Great uprising of 1040-1041 years..

Evolution Of Emma Watson Great uprising of 1040-1041 years , and this is the year 1073, which had been deep echo in the Albanian lands , warned the entire period of unrest and revolt that shook the foundations of the Byzantine Empire. In addition to the massive rural movements , characterizing the period 1040-1081 a series of initiated and led by captains ( strategists ) on specific topics military rebellions . Durres Albania theme especially in the years became one of the hotspots of the Byzantine Empire.
Military revolts of the second half of the century. Xi , including revolts strategists ( dukëve ) Durres , was a direct reflection of the internal changes that have been incurred in this time of the Byzantine Empire and mainly associated with the development of feudal relations . After the death of Emperor Bazili II and the end of the Macedonian dynasty Monomahos Constantine IX (1042-1055) , ended the era characterized by small freehold farmer - Soldier ( stratiotit ) . At this time, the defense of the Byzantine emperors , who designed for this purpose a special law , the small property was then left to thank you big landowners , who in his back began to expand their farms. Such a process of absorption of cheap small property and the expansion of the great feudal property , threatened demolition of large class of soldiers , farmers, who for more than a century has been the backbone of the Byzantine state , as long as farmers Albanians were the main providers of funding and the Byzantine army . But with the decline of fallen soldiers farmer class role of caste and military leaders , strategists , while increasing the weight of large landowners and bureaucratic aristocracy of the Byzantine capital , Constantinople.

These new developments in the Byzantine Empire affected by nearby Albania , which was the classic free peasantry and Stratiotes . Therefore, some of the most powerful military uprisings century. Xi had the main theater exactly Albanian territories.

In 1043 rebelled against the central government Georg manic, Byzantine commands leading fight against Arabs and Normans in Sicily and Southern Italy. Increase manic authority was not seen with good eyes by the new Byzantine strategist Italy , Michael Dokianos , and Emperor Constantine IX , who dismissed . Supported by his loyal units , which distinguished between contingents from Arber , gave the signal manic uprising in Sicily, where his troops proclaimed him emperor. In their minds , he landed at Durres and supported by the people who joined the Byzantine army - Albanian Thessaloniki addressed by the royal road ( Egnatia ) . Army rebels in Macedonia has made progress unimpeded to the place called Ostrov met the imperial army. Georg accidental death maniac , while the rebel victory was sure , was the extinction of movement.

However , the performance of Georg uprising manic clearly showed that Albania , especially Subject Durres up Arber ( Arbanon ) had already become a fertile ground for such events. Century Byzantine historian . Xi, Michael Ataliati , said at the time the Albanians , once allies of the Byzantine Empire ( the symmachioi ), became "surprise" his opponents ( polemioi ) . Such developments in relations with Byzantium Albanian , especially Trier Arber , Nadia reflected even in Durres Tools relations with the central government. Dissatisfied with the Albanian population often you even joining tools Durres . They are increasingly concerned about the persistent wrinkles in the military as well as civil law powers. In fact, after the death of Bazilit II , the Byzantine army began to rely more and more on the involvement of mercenaries sent by the center, which weaken the role of tools to perform military elements recruited by the instruments national and strategist.
