The prince was eaten by

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The prince was eaten by conflict Arber, the papacy and the local Church itself , the Venetian Duchy of Durres proved unable to resist the offensive south of the despot of Epirus , the angel Michael . In 1210 , the border between Despotate Venetian Duchy of Durres and was placed in the flow of the river Shkumbin . This year the despot Duke Michael Marin Valaresi met to discuss the establishment of peace. Peace was signed in the summer of this year , the Duke of Venice Pietro despot Xian Mihal I. Based on its recognized de jure as limit target farms Shkumbini north Despotate . Meanwhile, Mihal despot is committed to allowing Venetian merchants to trade freely , without taxes and customs, in their lands and protect against its citizens in the event of conflict with the Venetian entrepreneurs.

In September 1210 the Venetians leveled dispute Durres church , put on top of Manfred Venetian painting . In agreement with Xian Pietro published in September 1210 , Bishop Manfred swore he would remain faithful to the Republic of Venice and work for the citizens and the community of Durres and the surrounding areas to obey the Venetian government .

However , Venice hopes to maintain a minimal presence in Durres and its suburbs , suffered the blow of 1213, when the despot Mihal The angel drew the Republic of St. Mark and united with his possessions. His army grew deeper in northern Shkodra captured 1,215 more, but quickly pulled away to be placed in the line of Durres .
Occupation short Shkodra began last military despot Mihal I.

In about 10 years of his reign , small and weak state Epirote , managed to expand with more or less the extent of the former Byzantine themes Nikopojës Durres . Besides the center , Arta, Mihal bully his favorite castle mansion Berat choice. Even today, there are many evidence preserved fortification works of buildings of worship business when his reign. Mihal despot died exactly at the castle of Berat in 1216 after a plot organized by people close to him . After the top of Despotate was his brother Theodore. This state under his rule Epirus reached the extent of its range. Despot new policy was oriented exclusively from birth and principalities aimed at the destruction of the Latin Crusaders in Greece, Macedonia and Thrace , the recovery of the Byzantine Empire and his coronation as emperor of Byzantium. In this context, particular importance has taken control of Durres and the backbone of the Royal Road ( Egnatia ) , which opened the way to the bastions of Macedonia in Thessaloniki and vital links simultaneously detach the Roman Empire Constantinople or the Lombard kingdom powers Thessaloniki mother west . Given the strategic importance of this area of ​​the particular road base , Durres , Metropolitan of Corfu, George Bardhami showing the time that " Bully Durres slather on before the army and everything to do not allowed beast West to set foot in this city , it will be on the other . "

In fact, since the beginning of his reign, Theodore faced a Latino effort to obtain the corridor of the Egnatia road. In summer 1217 , the new Latin Empire of Constantinople , Pierre de Kurtëne above an army launched from the port of Brindisi , landed to Constantinople Durres . After receipt of the city, the army continued its march on Latin Egnatia to Thessalonica. Byzantine historian George Akropoliti admits he raised military ambush Latin despot Theodore " in difficult places know " somewhere in the valley Shkumbini . Here in the battle, the French army was badly broken and Kurtënè emperor was captured . A French chronicler, successor of Robert Autissiodorensis attributes Westerners disaster hostile attitude of the local population ( indigenorum malic ) who collaborated with the despot of Epirus . After this victory, Theodore Durres recovered.
