One of the main reasons for the...

Eternal Youth One of the main reasons for the creation of tools Durres in the first half of the century. IX had faced a slave pressure , Bulgaria him. At the end of the century. VII , merging the Bulgarian and Slavic tribes ( of Turkish origin ), was created between the Danube and the Balkan State first Slavic Bulgarian Kingdom Balkans, which quickly became a huge risk to the Byzantine Empire. In the middle of the century. IX Bulgarian state had extended its borders and Macedonia under King Boris ( 852-879 ) , including the strip between delta Devolli river. Castles and Devolli Pulkeropolit (Portland) became the basis of the Bulgarian government in these areas. In 864 Boris embraced his people , the Christian religion , taking the name of Michael . The new religion has good cohesion Slav- Bulgarian state and enabled further expansion in the Byzantine territories. When Simeon ( 894-927 ) , Bulgaria reached the extent of its range. With the exception of Durres and Shkodra , Simeon captured in all areas of the Lower Central Albania. South of Vlora , he took much of Nikopojës Tools . In 913 the Byzantine emperor Constantine VII was forced to recognize the title Simeon " Emperor of Bulgaria " and marry a girl of Bulgarian tsar. While for years the Byzantine Empire was forced to pay annual tribute Bulgarians .

Bulgarian- Byzantine But peace did not last long . In the years that followed the armed attacked Simeon devastated Durres and its surroundings. Top 918 Bulgarians were driven south by the subject Nikopojës and arrived in the Gulf of Corinth.
However dream car Simeon , create a Bulgarian empire instead of Byzantium ended with his sudden death on 27 May 927. His successors, Pierre Boris , were at the height of Simeon and was forced to recognize that more and less Byzantine sovereignty.

Bulgarian occupation left visible signs in Albanian lands, especially in the corridor that runs through the valley of the river to the Devolli coast, where he continued to hold until the beginning of the century. XI . In addition to separate provinces have been generous here Bulgarians, who often brought their people , including the Bulgarian clergy, who contributed to the penetration of a Slavic culture - Byzantine in the region. In the second half of the century. IX in the Ohrid region , Korca , Devolli , Portland held its missionary activity Clement of Ohrid , a disciple of Cyril and Methodius , who worked for years to create schools Slavic churches. At this time, the flow areas between Devol Vjosë involved in ecclesiastical and cultural impact of Ohrid, the Bulgarians returned to the center of the independent Bulgarian Patriarchate . Bulgarian invasion century. IX - X is linked to the development of some important military centers of ecclesiastical administration, as Devolli Glavinić ( Ballesh ), etc. . Ballsh magnificent basilica was found at the beginning of the century. XX also an inscription , which recalled the return of Boris - Michael and the Bulgarian people in the Christian faith in 864 .

After decades of submission to the Byzantine Empire , following an uprising that was the epicenter antibizantine Macedonia , the Bulgarian Tsar Samuel came throne ( 976-1014 ) . Under his reign , the center of the Bulgarian State eastward Preslavi , Prespa and Ohrid. In this context, the Albanian territories have taken an important first-hand and was closely involved in the conflict between Samuel and the Byzantine Empire. For Samuel united under its authority throughout Macedonia in Thessaloniki, Old Bulgarian mountain region between the Danube and the Balkans, and Thessaly , subjects Nikopojës Durres , and Rashee Dioklenë North. Under his reign recovered independent Bulgarian Patriarchate , which ultimately decided the seat in Ohrid , the capital of Samuel .

Historical evidence indicates that Samuel car had no intent to cause a reversal in military structures - Administrative Albanian territories occupied by it. Thus, in Diokle he left the reigning prince John Vladimir, who has also offered the hand of his daughter , Kozara . In Durres, after 997, Samuel did not really privileges and power of the nobles of the city , represented by the powerful family of Krisilëve . John Krisili , proteuon City was favored over the city in the hands of Samuel . Bulgarian alliance with the noble Tsar Krisilët durrsake was sealed with his marriage to the daughter of John Krisilit . In the region of Vlora and Berat , control offspring Samuel entrusted to a local noble family, Elinagër Frëngut . Also acted Devolli Cologne, Vageneti elsewhere. Samuel scope of government in these countries has been facilitated by the fact that it has implemented a new system of obligations to farmers who rely on the contributions of other facilities.
