On the other hand , the powers...

Girl You Nailed It On the other hand , the powers of the starting quarterback in the field of civil power declined in favor of employees , as was the start of a judge ( or krites of Praetorian ), which reported directly to the center and are now dealing with the case civil administration . Great social impact and external challenges of the century in the eastern Byzantine Empire in relations with the West and with the Seljuk Turks , contributed to favorable conditions for uprisings Durres great military strategists of the latter half of the century. XI . Durres subjects at that time became one of the main homes of uprisings against the Byzantine central government. The first strategists Durres, who rebelled against Constantinople , was proèdres Niqifor brieni . This had been the quarterback Tools Skopje , where the uprising was suppressed in 1073 year. The theme of Durres transferred to the mid-70s , brieni had emerged from the protection of the northern border war with Croats and Slavs with diokleasit . At the same time , he also faced attacks pirate ship Normans in Italy, who have for lying to the east, in the territories of the Byzantine Empire.
In October 1077, gave the signal strategist brieni Niqifor uprising against Emperor Michael VII Doukas . Byzantine chroniclers assert unanimously that the insurgents have joined the local population Niqifor Tools Durres and many local lords , including Bazil Kurtiqi by Arber . Niqifori declared emperor Michail accident and after declaring himself emperor in Constantinople with an army that was how young volunteers grew. In Adrianople Brienin expect other insurgents organized by his brother, Johani . But on the outskirts of the rebel forces in the city in conflict with the imperial army, which has already ordered Alex Comnenus , Byzantine generals among the most remarkable of all time . Rebel army was shattered and debris were scattered .
While his brieni insurgents headed for Constantinople, Durres entered Niqifor Baziliaku , named after the Duke of Durres rebellion view. But the new Duke hastened and Durres, just months after Brienit pleaded emperor and rebelled against the center.
Supported by the nobles and the local clergy, who was distinguished Devolli bishop , Theodore, he has received numerous Albanian Byzantine forces where mercenaries are not absent from the west. In addition to them, he went from Durres, past Ohrid and came second city of the Empire , Thessaloniki. Initially empire Botoniati Niqifor III tried to persuade the rebels to withdraw from march on the capital , promising forgiveness of new titles finikërie . Baziliaku refused the offer and was therefore achieved in a bloody battle with government forces , which are controlled again Alex Comnenus . The rebels were defeated and self Baziliaku was taken in chains to Constantinople.
