In 1185 the king Guljelmi I did..

How TO Treat Women To Get Laid In 1185 the king Guljelmi I did the last attempt Norman dynasty of Italy to invade the Byzantine territory . This new deployment Norman was preceded by a revolt of the inhabitants of rural Vagenetisë ( Cameria ) against the power of the emperor Andronicus I Comnenus ( 1182-1185 ) . Armed with a few speed Normandy invaded Durres , the strategist , Jan Vrana , preferred to go . After armed Durres Norman paid by the royal road ( Egnatia ) and came before the city of Thessaloniki. The castle garrison , consisting of fighters Arber Kunavija handed western city. But this time, the Normans failed to consolidate their gains . More than the merit of the Byzantine army , they withdrew due to organizational weaknesses supplies in places so far from their orbits.

However , Durres and some Ionian islands remained some time in possession of the Normans. With the death of top Guljelmit kingdom of Sicily came Henriku German sovereign VI , who opened Hohenshtaufen dynasty rule in southern Italy. Young sovereigns, with the kingdom , inherited from their ancestors policies Norman conquest of the East . Not in vain king Hohenshtaufen Henriku VI , according to the Byzantine chronicler Niketa Konjati , considered himself a " god of the earth extending from Durres in Thessaloniki " .
Dealing with the Byzantine Empire and the Normans of Italy Crusades century. XI - XII, highlighted the role of Albanians and Albanian lands that took place in the middle of this confrontation. The Albanian attitude determined military campaign notable development of the West, the Byzantine central government has tried to keep his side in the Albanian nobility to attract privileges titles and enviable high positions in the army and administration Byzantium. From the second half of the century. Xi mentioned in historical sources Albanian noble family , as Skurra , Arianiti , Muzaka , Topia , Meksha , Jonima , Pliti , Blinisht , Kamona wearing high titers Byzantine .

Especially century. XII, was as widespread Sebas , which refers to the period of the domination of Komnena dynasty in particular that of Manuel I ( 1147-1181 ) . The wars of the empire in Italy and in the Balkans , especially against Serbs rashes, and increased the military role of the Albanian factor weight. Albanian lords have been empowered enough. During this time , they used the privileges and ekskusitë allocated by the central government to increase the level of autonomy . This process of political development and the autonomous provinces of feudal specific area , having walked more quickly in Arber , central strategic role of the army in particular. In the second half of the century. XII certainly arrived here a process of concentration of power.

In the year 1166 is mentioned, in fact, a priori Arbanensis ( Arber prince ) . With some senior clerics Arber he took part in the inauguration of the new church of St. Trifonit Kotor . The ceremony was also attended by " Commander Duke " for Byzantine Dalmatia, Dioklenë Arberi of Isaac . This shows that priori Arber, Andrea , still officially recognized the sovereignty of Byzantium. However, this period of political and administrative autonomy Arber has increased dramatically , as well as the privileges of the year 1153 for the death of Emperor Manuel Arber, Kruja . based on good relations with the papacy , the Emperor Manuel also stated terms liberal church relations at time of his Catholic rite introduced a widely not only in Upper Albania, but also in the central , especially Arber .
