O My Good!....

.Because I used to see yearns would " Waltz with white" would call Etlevës and rightfully Waltz of love .These thinks while opening the  book " Love blossom in April ," the Light Lushi , which have sprung up in bed novels of the burgeoning petals of her stories .God created the world in seven days . Because ... created with love ... I had loved the world over today ... honestly author asserts I say ... come, by placing emphasis on particles " of " , to understand that you come , just come to you. Despite it rains or not . It is a love that can not be said through telephones, a love that even more difficult decision makes naturally as the opening of a gonxheje.One love that makes beautiful and naturally natural tears and husband George ... I love the new life begins , parental love and happiness shndroi pain ... And she warmth emanating from the rows of the story , I assure you that everyone loves warmth . Petals that , although not provide the full contours of flowers belonging (and thus , are opening buds in progress) , near Hanging invite them to feel that life abounds in this opening , the drunk from their aroma and , often through tears affirm .... Life is beautiful It is human warmth that throng the "seven days " , the story itself is reminiscent of that ...
