Externally, the Byzantine...

How Female Logic Works Externally, the Byzantine Empire gets a clear orientation of the West will be maintained throughout Komnena rule of the dynasty ( 1081-1185 ) . 1071 Byzantium lost most of its last castle in the south of Italy , Bari. From that moment, against the Byzantine territories began the incessant attacks of the Normans and western crusaders . This new dynamic in East-West relations Albanian lands placed at the center of events. Already represented distal border west of Byzantium, while the new powers of western Albania , ports and roads with its longitudinal axis , which still excelled old Royal Road ( Egnatia ), is the ideal bridge to allow progression of invading armies to Constantinople. As a result , the Albanian lands became major military confrontations countries , cultural and religious , who have greatly influenced their historical development .

After the conquest of Bari in 1071, Robert Guiskardi managed to unite all the possessions of the Norman princes of southern Italy and established a powerful kingdom , who immediately looked at the other side of the Adriatic. In the spring of 1081, a large army of Norman left the ports of Brindisi and Otranto, under the direction of self Guiskardit and son Boemundit . The last part of the fleet landed on the shores of Vlora and in a short time , conquered the city and centers of strategic importance Jericho Kanin ( Orikumi ) . The main part of the Norman army , under the direction of Robert Guiskardit , landed on the south , in the area of ​​Butrint . Father and son are Durres , first by the sea, and the second by a terrestrial March . A storm in Cape surprised Guiskardin Language , killing most of the Norman fleet. The remains of his army arrived to join forces in Glavinić Boemundit ( Ballesh ) , where new reinforcements arrived and Italy. After conquering all " field of Illyria " in June 1081 Norman armies managed to close the encirclement of Durres .

Byzantine emperor , Alex I Komnen no way sought to avoid the invasion of the main town of the Adriatic, which open the way to Constantinople Thessaloniki. He sent as commander of the city of his neighbor, George Palaeologus . To disrupt the forces of communication with the banks Guiskardit Robert Apulisë , Comnenus made ​​an alliance with Venice, which has made the Byzantine emperor his powerful fleet against trade privileges in recognition of the territories of the Byzantine Empire. This agreement, which was renewed several times in the following years, laid the foundations of the hegemony of Venice in the seas Byzantine markets.
