Lightning successes Nikeasve...

Is Harry Gay... Think Twice After Seeing This!!!! Lightning successes Nikeasve political and military shortcomings discovered epiriot state . Alliance has been weakened state of local leaders from different provinces Despotate , which was based on his strength . Policy implemented by Theodore II invasions function Michaelmas was directly affected forms of government in parts of the Despotate of Epirus with the Principality of Arber , which was already becoming a vassal state .
The gap between the two former allies has been seen in military conflicts that occurred in the South -West between the forces of Macedonia and Epirus Nicaea in 1253. Know that the prince time Gulami , with his forces had taken up positions in the region of Kastoria breathtaking nikeasve path looking to break in terms of Devolli . But the empire of Nicaea , Jan Vatatze , managed to shoot hand - Prince Ghulam , which has already been cooled Mihal of Epirus. Emperor of Nicaea tempting promises to develop, with the signing of a treaty that sealed the new covenant between Nicaea and Knowing and recognizing the autonomy of the latter.

Furthermore Gulamit ie with nikeasit joined the Chief Devollit Kastoria , which were also disappointed by Mihal II of Epirus . Under these conditions , the despot of Epirus was forced to sue for peace , which was signed in Thessaloniki ( 1253) . Mihal II renounces castles and fortress of Western Macedonia Kruja . The latter , the emperor recognized Vatatze since January this year a large number of privileges relating to the supply of goods nobility, clergy and citizens , as well as the elimination of certain taxes. The same privileges were confirmed after two years of the new empire of Nicaea , Theodore Laskari II ( 1254-1258 ) . They were constantly krutanë confirmed by the Byzantine emperors .

Loss of support that had been in the Principality of Arber not bully Michael preserving important property of Durres . In 1256 the city was given to the Emperor of Nicaea. Peace signed this year between the two rivals sanctioned withdrawal of Despotate of Epirus in its original borders. Lacking in Nicaea set Epirotes administration areas.
