Put the power of Nicaea in...

It's Leviosa  Ohh Reallyyyy...!!! Put the power of Nicaea in Albanian areas did not improve their condition, but rather a strict administration of civil and military authorities moved in Albanian territories, including the Principality of Arber , who had played a crucial role in the success of nikeasve . At the head of a Byzantine government Habaroni Constantine, who , with other governors of provinces in Albania and Macedonia , was placed under the orders of the superior commander , Georg Akropoliti magistrate had its headquarters in Thessaloniki .

The day after the establishment of the rule of Nicaea in Albania began to appear signs of a deep dissatisfaction. They are stronger in the Principality of Arber land , which , contrary to its promises, was deprived of all types of Nicaea autonomy regime . Learn governor of Nicaea, Constantine Habaroni was not able to keep under control the explosive situation , therefore , the 1257-1258 winter, the western Supreme Allied Commander of Nicaea Pretori Akropoliti George , decided to organize a demonstration in Arber shipping . Thessaloniki expeditions led by him progressed through Kastoria , Ohrid , Durres , where Akropoliti met the leaders and authorities. March Akropolitit continued through remote areas of carpet and Dibra . Wherever past Akropoliti tried to strengthen the foundations of the rule of Nicaea in reorganizing the civil administration of the army. After three months of hard work explosive area Arber, in February 1258 , Akropoliti reached Prilep . Here there came news that " all persons arbëresh was thrown into the rebellion." Therefore Mihal II despot of Epirus angel of peace interfered with Nikenë . Governor himself Nicene Arber, Habaroni Constantine was captured in an ambush of his that was set up where Kanina and the hand of his bride , Marie Frëngu , sister -brother Michael and his descendants despot of the most important family in the region of Vlora century. XI - XIII.

New balance Akropolitin forced to undertake a real military campaign to crush the uprising. Nikeasve main blow was directed against the seat of the riots, Arber . Their army, under the command itself invaded Akropolitit Ohrid and March continued to Durres . But the resistance of the Albanian insurgents Akropolitin forced to do - turn Ohrid. Thereafter, the commander of Nicaea attempted to enter Arber by Dibra , but even here his army asgjësohej threatened by insurgents pulled to Prilep .

Meanwhile, encouraged by the Albanian insurrection , despot of Epirus Mihal Angel II resumed hostilities in Macedonia. His army , supported by the local population, seized Ohrid and other castles of western Macedonia . Almost all the commanders of the forces of Nicaea was placed on the despot of Epirus . Even castles Prilep , where he was surrounded by commander , Georg Akropoliti , Epirotes doors were opened . Akropoliti military captives and others fell to Michael II. In this way, all these areas were included again within Despotate of Epirus.
